Paula Youens


Paula Youens | Printmaking | Devon

Paula is a Devon based artist & printmaker. Landscape & the weather are recurring themes in her work. Sketches & drawings are made during long walks all year round - whatever the conditions - rain, fog, snow, storms or dazzling sun.

The land forms & archaeology, pathways & lanes, coastline, light on the water, field patterns & shadows, are recorded in sketchbooks.

Back in the studio an etching press enables her to explore these studies. Paula uses the ‘intaglio’ technique to cut, scribe & work into the plate surface to produce expressive drypoint & collagraph prints.

Sandpaper, grit, varnish & gesso create unusual textures to hold the ink. Colour is added by brush or with hand painted tissue - ‘chine colle’.

Printmaking allows Paula to combine a love of drawing & mark making with print’s elements of risk, invention & surprise.

Still lives & animal studies are included in her work. Hybrid prints & monoprints are created using ‘drop-ins’ & brushwork.

These original prints are produced on fine art paper using professional inks & materials. A high standard of presentation is consistently maintained.

Paula is Director at Double Elephant Print Workshop & a full member of Southwest Academy of Art.


Niamh Geraghty-Morris


Phil Underwood