Isabella Whitworth


Isabella Whitworth | Textiles | Devon

Isabella hand-paints and dyes scarves, shawls and fabric lengths and specialises in resist techniques such as wax, folding, tying and clamping. Most of her work is on silk.

She started working with synthetic dyes over 30 years ago, but has since developed a strong interest in using and studying natural dyes.

This led to several years’ work research into the dye trade and its history; she has published her work and contributed to some major international conservation projects.

Isabella trained as a graphic designer and illustrator. Drawing has always been a key element of her design work, which is often based on nature.

She produces work in synthetic steam-fixed dyes on silk, and also natural dyes. Each piece is unique.

She teaches at West Dean College and selected venues, mostly in the South West.


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Jacqui Carey